Udo Ribbe
"Here at konstruct AG I appreciate the friendly and appreciative interaction with one another and the constant freedom to research and implement new paths and concepts."
Parametric Design, Advanced Geometry, programming of softwareinterface, project management
since 2020 konstruct AG, teamleader 3D-Design
2016-2019 computational architecture, freelancer
2014-2015 Schmidhuber + Partner, Senior Designer
2011-2013 waagner biro, Advanced Geometry Engineering
2011 seele Austria, teamleader 3D-Design
2007 – 2010 Schmidhuber + Partner, Junior Designer
2006 formTL, Architekt
2004-2005 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter TU München, Lst. CAAD und Lst. Tragwerkslehre
1997-2004 studies at Architektur, UdK Berlin, TU München
1975 born in munich
Email u.ribbe@konstruct-ag.com
Phone +49 (8031) 941388 – 25